Monday, February 14, 2011

Bonsai tree: Mistakes & Apologies All Around

Our first mistake (see below) has to do with those of you who have already ordered this book.

If you are not familiar with it, it’s our famous Pine book and it’s coming back in April (maybe May). We recommend it for anyone interested in growing pine bonsai.

If you are interested, you can pre-order now and you’ll receive two discounts: $5 (for pre-ordering and pre-paying) plus a 10% to 30% book sale discount.

First mistake (don’t read this unless you’ve already ordered our Pine book)

Yesterday we took our Pine book off our site because of our new book sale. We didn’t want to upset any of you that had pre-ordered it and had paid more than you would if you ordered now.

But we’ve had second thoughts, so we put it back up. Otherwise we’ll be inundated with people looking for it.

First solution (same as above: don’t read this unless….)

Because we made a big deal about pre-ordering the Pine book, we want to make good with those of you who already ordered it and aren’t getting the extra discount.

—Continue reading below the fold if you want to know the rest of our first solution, or if you are interested in overseas shipping rates.—

So here’s what you do if you’ve already pre-ordered our Pine book: next time you order from us, put (10% additional discount) in the comments and we will give you a 10% discount on your order (just this once though!).

Second mistake (overseas shipping rates)

This isn’t really a mistake. More like a problem or a puzzle.

We’ve been trying to adjust our overseas shipping rates to make them more fair for everyone. However, the US Post Office doesn’t make it easy.

All shipments must go via air (no more savings on surface rates) and the PO’s mix of box sizes and rates are enough to drive any sane person crazy (and who’s all that sane to begin with?). Especially given our large mix of products, shapes, sizes and weights.

So, we’ve been adjusting and readjusting to try to find a non-existent sweet spot. In the process, we may have confused you, our even scared you away.

Second solution (this one’s not easy, but we’re trying)

If the shipping charge comes out too high on your order (we won’t know until it is packed), we will notify you and correct the amount before we submit the final charge to your credit card.

And, we will continue to try to refine our rates to make them as close to correct as possible.

Source: Bonsai Bark

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