Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bonsai tree: Sequoia deadwood

Source: Bonsai Tonight
Sequoia deadwood

Deadwood, beyond fire scars, is not a major characteristic of mature sequoia. It is, however, a major characteristic of their environs as dead trees take a very long time to decompose. The beautiful and sinuous grain of the deadwood offers suggestions for our own deadwood carving. Nature, it seems, always gets it right.

Sequoia deadwood

Toppled tree at Grant Grove with hollowed out center – it’s big enough to walk through

Sequoia deadwood

Side view, same tree

Sequoia deadwood

Nebari from underneath

Sequoia deadwood

Wavy wood grain

Sequoia deadwood

Rootbase of Auto Log – a toppled tree on which cars used to park

Sequoia deadwood

More Auto Log

The other prevalent deadwood in the Park results from fire damage, of which, there is plenty to be found.

Sequoia deadwood

Smoldering landscape

 Sequoia deadwood

The apex of Dead Giant

Sequoia deadwood

The trail at Redwood Grove leads through the hollow trunk of this tree

Sequoia deadwood

Looking down the barrel of a gigantic fallen sequoia

All of these sites are easily accessible by car and by foot – see National Park Service map of the area for details.

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