Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bonsai tree: Weekly Wire Six: A Little Tipsy

More fall color. There’s something about the fiery brilliance of fall color. Both the colors and the shape of this Japanese maple are reminiscent of the large Sugar maples that grow around here in Vermont. The photo is from Reiner Vollmari’s facebook page.

The Windy City. Next time you’re in Chicago you can visit the bonsai collection at the Chicago Botanic Garden. From what I can see from their website, it looks like a great display area with some quality trees. They claim to have “one of the best public collections of bonsai in the world” which may be a stretch, though I’ve never been there and the photos are smallish, so it’s hard to say anything definitive. It would help if there were more live links on the site and larger photos. As it is, the website serves more as a teaser than a tour.

Alive and well in Florida. One of the most active and rich bonsai schedules anywhere belongs to the Bonsai Societies of Florida. Here’s a little taste to whet your appetite.

Dan Robinson is in the midst of a Florida bonsai tour at this very moment. It’s not too late to catch him.

The tenth annual Joy of Bonsai, featuring Suthin Sukosolvisit and friends is happening Jan 13-15 in Bunnell.

The annual Ben Oki tour is also happening in January. 20 stops in 16 days!

A little tipsy. You can’t help but notice how this rather comfortable Redwood is leaning towards the wine. Bonsai Tonight.

Polshich. If you can read this, you should definitely check it out. Even you can’t read it, why not?

The artists. In our last Weekly Wire we said that Dave Piemme was the winner of our Bonsai Detective Art Contest. And it’s true, Dave is the winner (he’s already collected his $50 worth of gifts from Stone Lantern). What we didn’t say, was who all the artists are. So here’s your list: 1. Nacho Marin, 2. Ruben Roig (drawing above is his), 3. Deborah Koreshoff, 4. Rudi Julianto, 5. Patrick Giacobbe, 6. John Naka, 7. Fabrizio Petruzzello, 8. Susan Greenleaf, 9.Kevin Wilson, 10. Nacho Marin

New turntable. Stone Lantern is featuring a new Table-top turntable. It’s rugged, strong, very beautiful, the surface area is larger than other bonsai turntables and it has a range of other features that just might make it the right one for your bonsai (and other) needs.

Bonsai in Pakistan. I just stumbled across the Pak Bonsai forum. I’m not sure if we have any followers in Pakistan (we have several in neighboring India), but either way, it caught my attention.

Better hurry up if you want to make it to the 11th annual Asia-Pacific Bonsai & Suiseki Convention & Exhibition.

Satsuki care. Into Satsukis? If so, check out the care calendar for Satsuki azalea bonsai at bonsai4me.

From Satsuki Azaleas by Robert Callaham.

A little respite from your typical massive trunk, full-crowned bonsai. I like the clean simple lines of the trunk and branching and the way they serve to display the flowers in an open, loose way (but not too loose). The photo is from Paulo Roberto Marasca’s facebook page. Here are some more of Paulo’s trees.

A Literati lesson. We’ve been talking Literati bonsai recently. Maybe it’s time for someone else to say a few words. How about our friend Robert Steven? His insights are excellent and so are his bonsai. The article is from ofBonsai Magazine.

Another Literati lesson. We’ve been talking Literati bonsai here recently. Maybe it’s time for someone else to say a few words. That someone else would be Randy Clark (& a couple friends) of the Bonsai Learning Center.

A few trees from the Bonsai Society of Winnipeg (that would be in Canada, our gentle neighbor to the north).

What a great fence. I know some purists don’t appreciate manipulating plants this way, but I love. it. It’s made of Atlas cedars, a luscious plant that you occasionally see as bonsai. Unfortunately, like so many plants, they won’t grow here in northern Vermont. It’s from Russell’s Nursery’s facebook page (here’s their website). They’re in Auroa Oregon. A great place to be if you like growing pretty much everything but tropicals.

Source: Bonsai Bark

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