Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bonsai tree: Min Hsuan Lo’s Bonsai Teaser


Most bonsai shots show the whole tree, though you sometimes see partial tree photos (teasers). In this case, the photo has no trouble communicating the power and character of this magnificent bonsai, even if it only shows a little more than half of the tree and completely excludes the pot.

All paths lead to Min Hsuan Lo

I found the photo on one of the numerous bonsai galleries on facebook. It wasn’t attributed, so I traced it though several other photo galleries and finally landed on Budi Sulisyo (bonsai artist and author). It’s not Budi’s tree, but he did attribute it to its rightful owner,  Min Hsuan Lo, a famous Taiwanese bonsai artist and teacher.

The value of teaser photos

Min Hsuan Lo’s photo gallery of this tree show a series of partial-tree shots. The value of these shots is that each one emphasizes details that you might otherwise miss. In the the whole-bonsai photo below, you see a magnificent powerful bonsai. When eyes linger for awhile, some of the larger details stand out: the beautiful pot, the powerful trunk that divides into several strong branches, the vibrant well-balanced crown and so forth. However, when you look at photo above, finer details stand out: the spaces between the lower left branches, the well-developed fine branching, individual surface roots, individual leaves and so forth. Understanding and appreciation of the tree has deepened.


Here it is in all its world-class glory. Ficus microcarpa by Min Hsuan Lo.

Tropical Bonsai by Budi Sulistyo

Speaking of Budi and tropical bonsai: Two hundred plus of some of the most powerful and exciting tropical trees in the world (including another extraordinary ficus by Min Hsuan Lo). Reg 35.00, Now 25.00 (actually lower with site-wide discounts).

Source: Bonsai Bark

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