Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bonsai tree: Some of the Very Best Bonsai in the World


The trees are exquisite and so is the book.192 pages of some of the best bonsai in the world. This book, along with the first one and all the others to come, will surely become collector’s items.

We can lay that notion to rest

For a long time many of us wondered if North American bonsai was falling behind the rest of the world. Now we can lay that notion to rest. It turns out that what we were lacking was something the Japanese have had for a long time (the Europeans have had theirs for a while too); a single show with our best trees all in one place. That and the resulting book as evidence.

Who won?

I won’t spoil it for you, but I can tell you that nine awards were given out, including The National Award and the very distinctive Ho Yoku Award for the Finest Creative Western Formal Display. All the winners are great trees, but what strikes me is how many other equally great trees there are in the book. Just being chosen to show your bonsai is a honor and an award in itself.

The set

We still have some albums from the first show. When they’re gone, that’s it. Now you can buy the set and save. Combine this with our current volume discounts, and you’ll do very well.


Source: Bonsai Bark

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