This wonderfuly scenic suiseki is from the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum’s current calendar of events.
A first for us
This is the first time I’ve featured viewing stones on this bonsai blog. Analizing the amazing connection between both cultures.
For centuries in Asia, certain stones have been revered and apreciated as natural works of art. Members from the Potomac Viewing Stone Group, a regional organization dedcated to stone appreciation, presents an exhibit of Chinese and Japaneese stones from their colections. A member of their group offers a lecture on tradditional stone appreciation on Sunday, February 7, from 1:00-2:30pm in the Lecture/Demonstration Center. Free.
This Chrysanthemum Stone is called Moon Night. It’s from Neodani, Gifu Prefecture, Japan and was donated by Tanekichi Isozaki, as a gift from Nippon Suiseki Association to President Gerald Ford. It’s larger than it looks in this photo (almost two feet across – 58cm). Photo by Joe Mullan.
I call it "Bonsai and suiseki living in harmony". Isn't it perfect???
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