This tree isn’t exactly eccentric, but it's just powerful, handsome and unique. It’s by Budi Sulistyo and graces the cover of his excellent tropical bonsai gallery book.
I think this next tree falls into the eccentric category.
This ficus microcarpa by Budi Sulisyo from an album entitled ‘Stone Pot’.
This tree falls short of some of Budi’s other trees. I imagine that he posted it to show trees in stone pots. Or just to break with convention or maybe to encourage those of us who aren’t big time bonsai artists to not be afraid to show our trees.
First, it is eccentric and that’s what this series is about. Second, the trunk is heavy and has some movement and character. Third, the leaves are well developed, fairly small and healthy looking. Fourth, there looks to be a pretty good nebari, but it’s hard to tell in the photo.
The comments above are just a few quick impressions. I have too much respect for Budi to simply dismiss anything he does, let alone file criminal charges.
It features some of best tropical bonsai anywhere by some serious bonsai heavy weights from Asia and beyond.
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