Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Bonsai tree: New Products, New Low Prices
New, nearly new, or back after a long break
This post is to let you know about new products at Stone Lantern. It’s also a way to let you know about products that were gone (for whatever reason) and are now back.
Also new; low prices
As you may know, we’ve been lowering prices on almost all of our products to near wholesale levels. We’ve learned that in this age of digital shopping, you want our quality products, service, information and the lowest prices. So feel free to compare. We may not have the lowest price on every single item, but we’ll be close. And you’ll still receive quality products, friendly service and a wealth of free information.
Source: Bonsai Bark Read more!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Bonsai tree: $250 Bonsai from Scratch Contest
Bonsai from Scratch
It’s time to get start thinking about your entry in our upcoming Bonsai from Scratch Contest. We’re going to make it worth your while with a $250 Stone Lantern gift certificate for the winner and other gifts for outstanding entries.
Five easy steps to get you started
1. Find an untrained stock plant. Your choice of size, variety etc.
2. Photograph it from all four sides (and any other angels you want) before you do anything else.
3. Grab your tools and get to work. Take your time; the contest won’t close for months. This will give our snowbound northern friends a fair chance.
4. Take photos as you go. The more the merrier.
5. When you’ve got what you want, put it in a bonsai pot (if it isn’t already) and photograph it from all four sides (and any other angel you would like). Hint: an uncluttered background that shows the tree to its best advantage is a good idea.
Stay posted
We’ll be following up with more information, like: categories, judges, deadlines, and whatever else we think will enhance the contest. Meanwhile, it’s not too soon for you to start planning.
Source: Bonsai Bark Read more!
Bonsai tree: Restoring a Japanese maple grove
Source: Bonsai Tonight
Restoring a Japanese maple grove

The project is not inspired by wonderful trunk lines or branching – these elements will be built from scratch, as evidenced by numerous scars.
The rootbase is in better shape, though it too needs lots of work.
To improve the nebari, the tree’s owner removed roots growing from the bottom of the rootbase. This is slow work that will encourage the lateral roots that make the transition from the rootbase through the base of the trunk more attractive.
Once the rootbase is in shape, the tree goes back in a pot.
Repotting rarely provides the dramatic moments we look for in demonstrations, but it makes trees healthy enough to withstand the dramatic moments that come later. I don’t know what the future holds for this maple grove, but I’m confident that it will grow well this year. Read more!
Restoring a Japanese maple grove
Working on old or neglected bonsai is one of my favorite tasks. At a recent Bay Island Bonsai workshop, an old Japanese maple grove got the works. The owner is working to make something of these old trees whose roots have fused together long ago.
Japanese maple grove
The project is not inspired by wonderful trunk lines or branching – these elements will be built from scratch, as evidenced by numerous scars.
Scars – major work underway
The rootbase is in better shape, though it too needs lots of work.
To improve the nebari, the tree’s owner removed roots growing from the bottom of the rootbase. This is slow work that will encourage the lateral roots that make the transition from the rootbase through the base of the trunk more attractive.
Rootbase from below
Root work complete – downward growing roots removed
Once the rootbase is in shape, the tree goes back in a pot.
Ready to be repotted
Repotting complete
Repotting rarely provides the dramatic moments we look for in demonstrations, but it makes trees healthy enough to withstand the dramatic moments that come later. I don’t know what the future holds for this maple grove, but I’m confident that it will grow well this year. Read more!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Bonsai tree: Abstract Bonsai Beauty & Concave Cutters
What’s your cup of tea?
If you are a big fan of, let’s say Dan Robinson and his remarkably natural looking bonsai (Gnarly Branches, Ancient Trees), then trees like this might leave you cold. However, if you appreciate flowing lines, sharp contrast, dynamic movement and highly stylized foliage, then the type of bonsai art that you see above (and that was pioneered by Masahiko Kimura) might be just your cup of tea.
My not so humble opinion
Not that you asked, but I love Dan Robinson’s raw natural look (Walter Pall’s and others’ too). But I’m also moved by Kimura’s and Carvalho’s (and many others) more abstract, highly stylized trees. When it comes down to it, I don’t think one style negates the other. They can each stand on their own (I also don’t think that bonsai is so simple that it can be broken down into just two types, but that’s a topic for another time).
John Naka’s famous dictum
I think if I had to favor one type, I’d say that the rugged natural look is more pure (whatever that means), especially if you follow John Naka‘s famous dictum: “The object is not to make the tree look like a bonsai, but to make the bonsai look like a tree.” Still, I think there’s room for great diversity in bonsai styles (and in opinions about those styles).
Source: Bonsai Bark Read more!
Bonsai tree: Please help Isao Omachi
A couple weeks ago, when the big earthquake wiped out several of the seaside towns on the east coast of Japan, we lost some of the best bonsai in Japan and the life work of two great bonsai artists. Sendai was one of those coastal towns washed away, and it was the residence of Isao Omachi, who was Shinji Suzuki’s first helper in his Taikan Museum. Mr. Omachi is an amazing second-generation bonsai artist who has won prestigious awards in Japan for his bonsai work, including a Prime Minister Award given at the Sakafu show. His father was equally talented, and they had both contributed to an impressive yard of world-class bonsai.
For three days following the quake, everyone in my ‘bonsai family’ over there was accounted for and ok, everyone but Omachi. Suzuki had not been able to reach him and feared the worst. On the third day, they made phone contact and they learned he was ok, and his family was fine as well, but when the waves hit Sendai, his family home and all the bonsai were lost. I was never so tired as when I got that news.
It is hard to imagine one’s entire life’s work wiped out in less than one day. How does one come back from that, except inch by inch?
If you have wanted to offer help to Japan, this is an opportunity to do so in a directed and meaningful way. Please donate. This would help a family in our international bonsai community immeasurably.
For three days following the quake, everyone in my ‘bonsai family’ over there was accounted for and ok, everyone but Omachi. Suzuki had not been able to reach him and feared the worst. On the third day, they made phone contact and they learned he was ok, and his family was fine as well, but when the waves hit Sendai, his family home and all the bonsai were lost. I was never so tired as when I got that news.
It is hard to imagine one’s entire life’s work wiped out in less than one day. How does one come back from that, except inch by inch?
If you have wanted to offer help to Japan, this is an opportunity to do so in a directed and meaningful way. Please donate. This would help a family in our international bonsai community immeasurably.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Bonsai tree: More from BABA’s 29th Annual Exhibit
Source: Bonsai Tonight
More from BABA’s 29th Annual Exhibit
Bay Area Bonsai Associates’ 29th Annual Exhibit featured large bonsai as well as smaller trees. Here are some of the medium and small bonsai on display.

I was impressed by what I saw around the room – I’m looking forward to seeing more of Neil’s work in the future. Read more!
More from BABA’s 29th Annual Exhibit
Bay Area Bonsai Associates’ 29th Annual Exhibit featured large bonsai as well as smaller trees. Here are some of the medium and small bonsai on display.
Korean hornbeam
Boston Ivy
Japanese black pine
Korean hornbeam
The exhibit opened with an impressive demonstration by Ryan Neil on Saturday night. Neil followed the demonstration with a workshop on Sunday.
Workshop tree – California juniper
I was impressed by what I saw around the room – I’m looking forward to seeing more of Neil’s work in the future. Read more!
Bonsai tree: Pushing the Limits
Classical vs Eccentric
There have always been classical bonsai (ones that conform to accepted norms of an earlier time) and there have always been more eccentric bonsai that push classical forms and norms into new territory. Many of these more eccentric bonsai aren’t that noteworthy, they are just eccentric. However, there are those that maintain some relationship to classical notions of bonsai beauty (an evolving concept) while charting new directions.
Exposicion Nacional de Bonsai Alcobendas Madrid 2010
I found these photos on facebook (where else?). The were posted by Xaime Parada. I picked several that maybe push some limits a bit. Here’s a couple to whet your appetite.
Koyo heavy duty stainless bonsai shears. Was $69.25, now $48.45 (the ring around the adjustment nut isn’t really green; it’s just a little photoshop joke). More stainless bonsai shears.
Source: Bonsai Bark Read more!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Bonsai tree: Elevating the Art of Bonsai Display
Daring display
Many of the bonsai on facebook and elsewhere are poorly displayed, though occasionally you see trees where the artist/photographer took the time and trouble to set up a decent display. But none (that we’ve seen) are displayed in such a daring and imaginative way as the trees in these photos.
It’s not just the what, but also the where
I usually like to see bonsai displayed with a bare minimum of background clutter. The cleaner the better. But in this case, the art of display has been elevated by the background; a space in which the feature bonsai both stands out and blends in. My guess is that it’s an art gallery that happens to be featuring Takahi Iura’s trees.
Relief aid??
I’m going to Iwate Prefecture. Reaching You’ll Isao ! ! ! From a post by Takashi Iura on OMACHI GAMBATTE
What you can do
You can go here to learn how to help Isao Omachi who lost his bonsai, his house, and everything he and his family own….
…or you can purchase Japanese tools and other Japanese items from Stone Lantern and help out while getting what you need for your bonsai (we committed to donate 10% of all sales of Japanese items to the Japanese Red Cross before we heard about Isao Omachi’s plight, so we’ll stick with that good cause).
Source: Bonsai Bark Read more!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Bonsai tree: Robert Steven Transforms Raw Stock
Robert’s vision and artistry
This one is quite unusual. The stock is totally raw and not that interesting. Robert simply manufactured all the branching and the foliage from nothing and the trunks have been transformed from taperless sticks to what looks like naturally time-worn wood. He even created a new pot from scratch. Testaments to Robert’s vision and artistry.
Read more!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Bonsai tree: Swept Away
We encourage you to think about helping the Omachi family. You can simply send your contribution to the address above, or, if you have questions you can contact
Doing what we can
Stone Lantern is pledging 10% of all sales of Japanese items to the Japanese Red Cross and several of our contributors and customers have already pledged their help by donating contest winnings (see comments here).
Source: Bonsai Bark Read more!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Bonsai tree: The Facebook Dilemma & Japanese Tools
The Facebook problem
We receive several bonsai photos every day on facebook. Almost none mention the artist, unless the artist happens to be the same person who posts the photo (you’d be surprised how often this is NOT the case and how difficult it can be to determine whether or not it is the case). When we have time, we try to track down the owner/artist, but often, this is easier said than done. Beside, who but teenagers and retired people have time to spend hours every day on facebook? So that’s our dilemma and the tree above is a perfect example of this dilemma; we know the Liang Lim posted it, but beyond that, we know nothing.
Japan and our next tool shipment
As you know, the situation is horrible. especially in the northeast. But as you might expect, the quake and tsunami’s effects have spread throughout the country; rail service is halted, roads are clogged, phones are down and so forth. Among other much more important things, this means that our current tool order will be delayed. We don’t know for how long, but we do know that many of you are waiting for your orders. Hopefully it won’t be too long and thank you for hanging in there. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Speaking of Japanese products
We are donating 10% of all sales of Japanese products to the Japanese Red Cross. It’s not much, but hopefully someone will benefit.
Source: Bonsai Bark Read more!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Bonsai tree: Talkin ‘Bout Tools: Shears
Was $144.55 now $109.20
Compare our prices
Competition on the web is fierce and the old days of 100% markups are over. So we’ve been steadily lowering our prices at Stone Lantern. Now they are virtually at wholesale levels and we intend to keep them that way.
Was $25.40 now $17.35
Was $69.00 now $52.55
Source: Bonsai Bark Read more!
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