Two posts ago…
… we featured some very small bonsai. This provoked a discussion about tiny pots where someone (Randy Davis) mentioned Jim Barrett pots. Though I am sure there are others who sell tiny pots (Robert Steven, a frequent contributor to Bonsai Bark, mentioned some that are made in China), this might provide a starting point for those of you who are interested.
The Brandywine Bonsai Society’s website includes a one-of-a-kind section on North American pots and potters, which is where all the photos in this post are from.
Yixing bonsai pots
BTW, in case you haven’t noticed, Stone Lantern now offers bonsai pots. Many are Yixing pots. Yixing is an area in China that is renowned for its fine clay. Some of the finest bonsai pots in the world come from Yixing.
Source: Bonsai Bark
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