Drawing by Youri Boerlage. Youri didn’t write anything about this, but it looks like a juniper bonsai with some very wild jin and shari.
Drawing by Matt Cooke’s girlfriend. This is a sketch my girlfriend did for me. As I was busy repotting in early March she had to keep herself entertained. I believe it is pen and water pencil. The drawing is of my recently acquired mountain hemlock yamadori.
Drawing by Pongsatorn Kanthaboon. Pongasatorn’s only comment is that it’s a Juniperus procumbens bonsai. FYI: some common names are: Shore juniper. Procumben juniper, Japanese garden juniper.
Drawing by Don Erickson of Salem Oregon. “Attached is a piece of art work done on the Oregon coast. I get a lot of inspiration when I visit each month. Not only the calm of the coast but the natural trees that I see. Now, if I could just find a pot large enough, and a truck large enough I could get some home.”
Source: Bonsai Bark
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