Here what Noah has to say about this planting: “This saikei was done by Johnny Uchida of Grove Way Bonsai as an example for beginning students who were learning to make their own saikeis and he gave me permission to share them. Mr. Uchida is also the sensei of Yamato Bonsai Kai in Northern California. The trees are cryptomeria and hinoki cypress and the composition is made with locally sourced rocks, gravel, moss, lichen and various accent plants.”
I visited Grove Way about twenty years ago. I was struck mostly by Johnny Uchida’s Japanese black pines. At the time, I think it was the best collection of black pine bonsai I had ever seen (it still stands as one of the best). Unfortunately, Johnny wasn’t home when I visited (his wife showed me around), so I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting him.
You can see the hidden 5th tree in this bird’s eye view. The three trees on the left are cryptomeria and the two on the right are hinoki cypress (Cham. obtusa). The variety of the hinoki in the front looks like Kosteri, but I can’t be sure.
Source: Bonsai Bark
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